2025 Renewal Resources
Rate Information
Read CSDSIP's rate message from Ken Canning, CSDSIP's executive director, by clicking the box below.
And if you want to know more about CSDSIP and being part of a pool, click the button below to watch our video Your Contribution—Your Investment in Colorado's Future.
Underwriting Team
Reach out! We're here to help
ANNELL HODGES Underwriter II 720.570.4560 Annell@csdsip.net
DERRICK DIETRICH Underwriter I 720.570.4562 Derrick@csdsip.net
FRANCISCO MARTINEZ Underwriter I 720.570.4559 Francisco@csdsip.net

The Underwriting Team, from left: Derrick, Francisco, Audrey, and Annell.
Renewal Workshops
This year we're partnering with you on renewal like never before by hosting workshops to assist you in completing your renewal packet.
Step 1: Start the process of completing their renewal packets.
Step 2: Attend a workshop where you can ask questions and receive assistance from our underwriters
Step 3: Submit your completed Renewal Packet at the end of the workshop. Or, have the packet 95 percent complete.
Click Below to Register!
Important Dates
Feb. 6-7
CSDSIP Board work session and meeting to discuss and approve our 2025-2026 rates
Week of Feb. 10
Renewal Packets sent to Members
March 14
Members with completed Renewal Applications, Renewal Property Schedule, and Renewal Auto Schedule returned by this date will be first in line to receive their Renewal Proposals on or shortly after May 1 (provided any questions Underwriting has about the packet have been answered)
March 17
Members with completed Renewal Applications, Renewal Property Schedule, and Renewal Auto Schedule returned by this date will be processed on a first-in, first out basis. Please note that we ask for 30-45 days to provide a quote.
May 1 (or shortly after)
First Renewal Proposals sent to Members who have returned completed Renewal Application, Renewal Property Schedule and Renewal Auto Schedule and have answered any questions Underwriting had about the Renewal Packet
May 1-June 30
Members review their Renewal Proposals and send in Bind Coverage pages to their Underwriter and/or our Underwriting Team so we can bind your coverage
June 5
Starting on this date, once coverage is bound, CSDSIP will send out Auto ID cards, Certificates of Insurance, and Coverage Binders. We will also send out Certificate of Insurance to certificate holders on your behalf.
Resources to Help You Complete Renewal
How-to Video Series
Our Underwriting Team is always here to help, but those who prefer to work independently may find our how-to series useful. These videos break your renewal packet up into manageable tasks to help you work efficiently through the process.